Patriarch John X Yazigi calls for boosting national unity among Syrians

Homs, SANA-Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and All The East for Rome Orthodox called for boosting national unity and fraternity among the Syrians, Muslims and Christians, in the face of conspiracies, showing confidence that Syria will remain the land of peace and amity.

Leading a mass at Saint Panteleimon in Marmarita, Homs on Sunday, Patriarch Yazigi hoped peace would return to Syria and its lands is cleaned off terrorism, affirming that this requires all Syrians to assume their national duties.

For his part, Bishop Elia Toma of Wadi al-Nadara said the visit of Patriarch Yazigi is exceptional, particularly because it coincides with the first annual anniversary of the martyrdom of 13 citizens in the town, considering the visit will alleviate the wounds of their families.

Mazen Eyon