President al-Assad receives congratulatory cable from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad received a cable from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, congratulating him for his win in recent presidential vote.

President al-Assad romped to victory in June 3 presidential elections, having secured the overwhelming majority of the votes cast. He won by a landslide 88.7 percent of the vote, with two other contenders trailing far behind in the polls.

In his cable, Patriarch Kirill struck a confident note as he said he is sure that “centuries-long national accord and fraternity in Syria will motivate the establishment of stability and peace there.”

He wished President al-Assad more courage and strength to steer Syria through the current stage and bring back security and stability, hoping that the Syrian people will see peace and stability.

President al-Assad also received cables from a number of Arab, international bodies and organizations, hoping stability and security would be back in Syria.

Senders of the cables pointed out that the outcomes of Presidential elections in Syria have reflected the Will of the Syrian people in struggling against the global conspiracy to which Syrian is exposed, affirming importance of backing Syria in the face of terrorism.

The cables have been sent from the National Leadership of Military, civil Front in Venezuela, the Islamic Center in Argentina, the Iranian-Palestinian Friendship Association and Palestine Branch of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Damascus. 


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