Russia tables UNSC draft presidential statement on illegal purchase of oil by terrorists

Moscow, SANA – Russia submitted a draft presidential statement to the UN Security Council in which it called to prevent purchase of oil illegally from terrorists in areas in Syria.

The draft also stressed that any export or import of oil without the approval of the sovereign state violates the law, expressing worries over the terrorist groups’ takeover of many oil fields in Syria, among these groups are the “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)” and “Jabeht al-Nusra”.

The draft presidential statement renounces any overt or covert involvement in these activities, adding that involvement in such bargains are similar to providing financial support to the groups which are labeled as terrorist by the UNSC’s Special Committee.

The draft requires the approval of all 15 members to become a presidential statement.

Earlier, UN Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that the revenues of oil illegal trade usually go to the terrorist groups in the region.

M. Nassr

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