Parliament Speaker at Troika meeting: Unity between Palestinian people and resistance key to victory

Tehran, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham denounced the international silence over the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, condemning the inaction of some Arab and Islamic countries towards the aggression, who went beyond to even holding the Palestinian people responsible for “being slaughtered”.

In his speech during the meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union Troika, including Iran, Mali and Sudan, in Tehran on Tuesday, al-Laham said that Israel’s current aggression against Gaza, which is the same aggression on Palestine ongoing for more than 66 years, continues amid an international silence and an Arab and Islamic inaction and indifference.

Troika meeting

He said that the stances of some Arab and Islamic countries are similar to the stances of the western countries which support Israel in its aggression on the Palestinian people that has left over 580 Palestinians dead and thousands of others wounded.

Speaker al-Laham said that “this difficult situation” has prompted other Islamic countries that have always shouldered the responsibility of defending the right of the Islamic peoples to move whenever necessary to support the Palestinian people and its resistance politically, economically, socially and militarily.

He reiterated that the unity between the Palestinian people and resistance is the key to achieve victory, calling on the international organizations to assume their responsibilities in exerting pressure on Israel to stop the genocide war against the Gaza Strip and lift its illegal blockade imposed on the Palestinian people, adding that the blockade is considered a crime against humanity and a collective punishment against more than 1,5 million Palestinians in the Strip.

Al-Laham said it is not a coincidence that the countries which support Israel and its scheme are the same that are supporting the terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, with this support being parts of one plot.


“We call for immediate action before it is too late because terrorism will definitely spread from Syria and Iraq to the entire region,” al-Laham warned, adding “The Syrian people and leadership will always be in the first defense line to support the Palestinians until they achieve their legal rights in establishing their own state with al-Quds as its capital.”

Earlier, al-Laham and Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned the international silence towards the crimes of the Israeli occupation forces against the innocent civilians in Gaza Strip.

In a meeting before the meeting, al-Laham and Larijani called for adopting significant resolutions during the meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union troika to support the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip in the face of the Israeli brutal practices.

They also called for denouncing the aggression and working on putting an end to it, warning against the links between the takfiri terrorist organizations and the Zionist scheme in the region.

Al-Laham hailed the efforts exerted by Iran with the aim of supporting the Palestinian people in the face of aggression, adding that Tehran has always supported Islamic peoples in times of crises or conflicts.

He said that the situation in Syria is getting better on the political, security and military levels, stressing that the presidential elections in Syria were a national event that reflected the will of the Syrians in choosing their leader despite all western pressures and propaganda that aimed at distorting facts and terrorizing the Syrians.

He highlighted that the targeting of Syria and Iraq at the hands of terrorists and the Palestinian resistance by Israel unmask the plot hatched against the region, expressing faith in the ability of Syria to overcome the crisis thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army and steadfastness of the Syrian people and the support of the friendly countries.

“We will never allow the terrorists implement the scheme of their maters regardless of the scale of targeting and numbers of countries involved and the number of terrorists and mercenaries they brought and the money they have spent,” al-Laham stressed.

Speaker al-Laham said President Bashar al-Assad stressed in his speech after taking the oath of office that the next stage will be based on countering terrorism and encouraging national reconciliations and political dialogue with the national opposition simultaneously.

For his part, Larijani hailed the accomplishments made by the Syrian government, adding that Syria plays a pivotal role in the resistance axis, expressing his country’s support to the Syrian government and people in countering terrorism and carrying out the reconstruction stage.

He congratulated President al-Assad on winning the presidential elections, stressing that the Syrians have won thanks to their unity and support to their leadership.

Besides al-Laham and Larijani, speakers and representatives of parliaments of Sudan, Mali, Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon, Kuwait are attending the meeting, among participants from other Islamic countries.

English Bulletin