Mikdad: fascist war against Gaza aims to liquidate Palestinian issue  

Beirut, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad stressed that the Israeli entity has started a fascist war against Gaza Strip to liquidate the Palestinian issue, and to prevent the Palestinians from restoring their legitimate rights.

In an article published Saturday by Lebanese al-Binaa Newspaper, Mikdad said that Syria’s steadfastness means Palestine’s steadfastness, adding that the real dimension of the Palestinian cause is the pan-Arab dimension as Israel seeks to impose its hegemony on all Arab countries.

Mikdad criticized the initiatives launched by some parties under the pretext of saving the Palestinian people while they come in service of Israel.

He also criticized the stances of some Arab countries which conspired against Syria such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia which demanded a military interference in Syria while now they stand silent towards the Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip.

Mikdad affirmed that Syria considers the Israeli aggression against Gaza and Palestine as an aggression against it because Syria has always been the main defender of the Palestinian issue, therefore the terrorist aggression against Syria is also an aggression against Palestine.

He stressed that the steadfastness of Syria and Palestine represents the hope of Arabs and embodies their dignity.

R. al-Jazaeri/ Mazen Eyon