Expatriate Evin Derki carries banner of defending Syria with her poems and letters

New Jersey, SANA – Syrian writer and poet Evin Derki is an example of the expatriate educated woman whose poems and letters reflect great love for Syria.

“I can’t find a single word to express my love for Syria and my appreciation of the Syrian army’s sacrifices,” Evin told SANA.

“Syrian martyrs are the future’s torches and patterns to be followed by the coming generations,” she added.

She affirmed that each citizen inside or outside Syria must carry the banner of defending it in the face of the aggressive attack launched against it, and must set a mechanism to convey the truth to the Western public opinion.

She called upon the Syrian expatriates to participate in the reconstruction of Syria, and to exert relentless efforts to expose the violation of human rights in Syria by terrorists and Takfiris .

Evin has worked on showing the truth of what is taking place in Syria through getting in contact with Arab and Western figures, and she has participated in the activities of the Syrian community in the US through the Syrian-American Forum.

Evin said that she is working on a national cultural project based on establishing a Syrian cultural center with branches  in all the countries of the world to introduce the Syrians’ deep-rooted culture by translating books to all languages and through addressing the intellectuals abroad.

R. al-Jazaeri /H. Sabbagh