الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : Gaza (صفحه 2)

أرشيف الوسم : Gaza

Syria’s ambassador to Lebanon: Syria won’t budge on backing resistance

Beirut, SANA-Syria will remain a staunch patron and supporter of resistance against the Israeli occupation and the events panning out in Syria are an extension of a July 2006 Israeli …

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Death toll from Israeli brutal bombing on Gaza rises to 171

Gaza, SANA – Death toll from the Israeli brutal bombing on Gaza Strip rose Sunday to 18 , among them children, women and elders, while 45 other Palestinian were reportedly …

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Parliament Speaker: Terrorism of Israel and the armed groups is one

Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the Peoples’ Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said Syria’s talk about the “first and final” aim of the terrorist war against it being that of liquidating …

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National Progressive Front: Aggression on Gaza is war against the entire resistance

Damascus, SANA – The National Progressive Front, which includes several political parties among them al-Baath Party, dismissed the war recently waged by Israel against the Gaza Strip as “a war …

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Syrians lash out at Israeli crimes against Palestinians

Damascus, SANA-Hundreds of Syrians gathered outside the UN mission headquarters in Damascus to voice support for the Palestinian people in Gaza against the ongoing Israeli aggression. Lashing out at the …

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Parliament vehemently condemns Israel’s ‘war of annihilation’ against Gaza

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly expressed on Saturday a vehement condemnation of Israel’s brutal aggression it has unleashed against the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip over the …

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