الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : People’s Assembly

أرشيف الوسم : People’s Assembly

Prime Minister delivers the new government’s ministerial statement at the People’s Assembly

Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi on Sunday delivered the new government’s ministerial statement during a session at the People’s Assembly, asserting that national interests require that everyone work …

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MP Osi: Reconciliation Committee prepared to help resolve legal status of misled individuals

Damascus, SANA – Head of the National Reconciliation Committee at the People’s Assembly Omar Osi asserted that the Committee is fully prepared to help resolve the legal status of individuals …

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Presidential affairs minister: President al-Assad sought to address largest possible number of Syrians

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad wanted to address the largest number of Syrian citizens and sought his milestone speech to reach across all spectrums of the Syrian society, not only the …

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People’s Assembly discusses draft law regulating appointment of real estate judges

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly discussed in a session held on Monday the draft law regulating the appointment of the real estate judges. During the session, chaired by People …

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Parliament Speaker: Terrorism of Israel and the armed groups is one

Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the Peoples’ Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said Syria’s talk about the “first and final” aim of the terrorist war against it being that of liquidating …

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Parliament vehemently condemns Israel’s ‘war of annihilation’ against Gaza

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly expressed on Saturday a vehement condemnation of Israel’s brutal aggression it has unleashed against the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip over the …

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People’s Assembly approves new notary public law

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly on Tuesday approved a new notary public law in its session headed by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Lahham. Minister of Justice Najm al-Ahmad said the …

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People’s Assembly approves bills related to loans for military deserters

Damascus, SANA. The People’s Assembly approved during a session on Monday chaired by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Lahham a bill on suspending the deduction of loan payments for military deserters from …

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Industry Ministry works on rehabilitating damaged facilities, setting up new strategy

Damascus, SANA, Industry Minister Kamal Eddin Tu’ma said that the Ministry is working on two tracks; the first one is to rehabilitate terrorism-affected facilities through securing financial sources and loans …

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Parliament Speaker: Syria and DPRK on same page against common adversaries

Damascus, (SANA) Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said Syria and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) have a common adversary that seeks to forward its agendas …

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