الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : Saudi Arabia

أرشيف الوسم : Saudi Arabia

A symposium in India: Crisis in Syria negatively impacted regional, international economy

New Delhi, SANA – The Center for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) organized on Saturday a symposium on the security status in West Asia, particularly the crisis in Syria. The event …

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Terrorist’s confessions: KSA main funder of Jabhet al-Nusra terrorists

Damascus, SANA – Terrorist Baher Abdul-Karim al-Weis of the “Jabhet al-Nusra” terrorist organization confessed that Saudi Arabia is the main funder of his organization.   In confessions broadcast on the …

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Russia, Saudi Arabia discuss crisis in Syria and Iraq

Jeddah, (SANA) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed Saturday with his Saudi counterpart Saud al-Faisal the crisis in Syria and the situation in Iraq and the regional situation. The two …

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