Tribal and religious figures appreciate China’s support to Syria in combating terrorism

Damascus, SANA- A delegation embracing tribal and religious figures on Monday visited the Chinese Embassy in Damascus in appreciation of China’s stances in support of the Syrian people and leadership.

Secretary-General of al-Sha’ab (People) Party Sheikh Nawwaf Trad al-Milhem stressed that China’s stance in support of Syria in its battle against terrorism expresses its honesty and adherence to its just principles which support peace and security in the world, and it expresses its standing by the rights in the face of all the attempts to impose the US hegemony on the region.

For his part, Chairman of Imam al-Mahdi Cultural Center, Sheikh Mahmoud al-Adai said “We came to the Chinese Embassy to say thanks for standing by Syria in its war against terrorism and its Takfiri Zionist mentality.”

Al-Adi affirmed that victory will be achieved soon thanks to the determination of the Syrian people and the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army.

Chairman of the Palestinian Popular Reconciliation Committee Sheik Mohammad al-Omari expressed appreciation of China’s firm stances towards the Arab central issues, and its support to Syria in the war against terrorism and in the face of the global attack which aims to divide the Syrian society.

Chinese EmbMeeting the delegation, China’s Ambassador in Damascus Wang Kejian reiterated his country’s support to finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria in a way that would preserve the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and would serve the basic interests of the Syrian people and the peace and stability in the region.

Ambassador Kejian affirmed that his country will continue its support to Syria, adding that China has always stood by the Syrian people and by the rights and justice, and it adheres to the principle of the non-interference in the countries’ internal affairs as it considers that this principle protects the countries from the hegemony and the interferences of the major states.

Chinese Emb2He indicated that China has exerted huge efforts in different domains whether in supporting the international mediation or in supporting the internal dialogue among the Syrians, saying that there are intensive contacts with the Syrian Government and different political parties and bodies from the Syrian society with the aim of finding a solution on which all agree.

The Ambassador added that the campaigns of countering terrorism in the region should be in line with the international law and based on the approval of the countries concerned, stressing that China is firm in combating terrorism and ready for any international cooperation in this domain as terrorism is the common enemy of all.

Last week, the delegation visited the Russian and Venezuelan embassies in Damascus in appreciation of their stances in support of Syria in its war against terrorism.

R.J/ Barry

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