Minute by minute .. the 3rd day of the Special Military Operation for protecting Donbas

  • Russian Defense Ministry : organizing a joint Russian-Ukrainian guard for Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, north of Ukraine.
  • Germany announces its intention to supply Kiev with large quantities of weapons and ammunitions including anti-tank missiles.
  • Zakharova: The Western countries kept monitoring carelessly the killings against the civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk Over 8 years till they became a partner in the genocide.
  • News agencies : 40 Ukrainian soldiers give up in front of the authorities in Donetsk Republic.
  • Russian Foreign Ministry : US and its allies in NATO don’t care about the settlement process in Ukraine.
  • Russian Foreign Ministry : NATO states have to assume their responsibilities before they resort to holding Russia accountable for its operation to disarm Ukraine.
  • Russian Defense Ministry :Russian forces destroy a dam established by the Ukrainian authorities and restore the water to Crimea.
  • Russian Defense Ministry : We think that the Ukrainian boats at the Black Sea were operated by US drones.
  • Nebenzya denies the allegations that Ukrainian civilian cars were run over by Russian tanks.
  • Russian Defense Ministry : Ukrainian Nationalists use the same tactic used by the international terrorists in Syria.
  • Russian Defense Ministry : 6 Ukrainian boats that were trying to attack the Russian warships at the Black Sea were destroyed.
  • Russian Defense Ministry : We issued order to all our forces to resume the military operations in all directions after Kiev’s rejection to negotiation.
  • Lukashenko again expresses his readiness to host negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.
  • For more escalation, Washington announces providing military aids to Ukraine.
  • Russia considers suspending its membership at the European Council as a politicized decision and a proof that this council lost its independence.
  • Australia suspends broadcasting of RT channel and Moldova blocks Sputnik website.
  • Russia bans Polish , Bulgarian and Czech airlines from crossing its airspace.
  • Russian Defense Ministry : Some media circulate misleading information about the Special Military Operation in Donbas to distort the image of the Russian Armed Forces.
  • Kremlin : Putin ordered yesterday to suspend the military operation in Ukraine and to wait starting talks with Kiev ,but as Kiev refused we resumed the operation.
  • Ukrainian capital tightens the curfew.


Baraa Ali / Mazen Eyon

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