Foreign tourists visit the ruins of Palmyra

Palmyra, SANA — A group of European tourists visited the historic city of Palmyra on Friday, documenting the destruction suffered by historical monuments and tourist facilities as a result of Daesh’s terror attacks before its defeat of the region, thanks the Syrian Arab Army.

Dutchman Nick Lepaud, an information technology consultant, denounced the sabotage of this human cultural heritage.

He noted the safety he felt during his tour in Palmyra and praised the traditional atmosphere of the historic city.

For her part, British tourist Lana O’Sullivan, a writer specializing in tourism affairs, encouraged tourists from all over the world to visit Palmyra and its great human heritage.

She considered that her presence today in Palmyra, the heart of the Syrian desert, disproves the falsehoods of the Western media, since she felt security and stability during her visit, and she underlined the impressive archaeological beauty of this town.


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