Latest updates of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood”

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7:

-Palestinian resistance targets with mortar shells a position of soldiers and vehicles of Israeli enemy in “Netzarim” direction south of Gaza

-Palestinian Resistance: Our fighters killed and wounded a number of Israeli forces, as they explode a minefield in Tel al-Sultan neighborhood, Rafah city

-Palestinian resistance targets Israeli enemy forces with mortar shells, south of al-Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City

-Palestinian media: 4 martyrs and a number of wounded in Israeli occupation bombing of a house in al-Sabra neighborhood, southern Gaza City

-Palestinian media: Martyrs and wounded in Israeli occupation aircraft bombing a house west of Rafah city

-Palestinian media: Eight martyrs, including 3 children, and a number of wounded in Israeli occupation shelling two houses in Rumeida area east of Khan Yunis city

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