Mikdad: The tactical and strategic operational status is rapidly developing in favor of the Syrian Army

Beirut, SANA-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad stressed that the armed escalation by the terrorists and the escalation of the political attack by Syria’s enemies including the US and Western officials clearly prove their hysterical status after the failure of their attempts to impose political concessions on the Syrian leadership and people, indicating that the tactical and strategic current operational status is rapidly developing in favor of the Syrian Army and armed forces.

In an article published Monday by Lebanese al-Binaa Newspaper, Mikdad denounced the silence of the US, Britain, France and their tools at the UN Security council towards the governments, states and leaders who have outrageously violated all of the Council’s resolutions which have been adopted under Chapter VII with regard to countering terrorism and its finance since the terrorist attack in New York in 2001 up till now.

He added that talk on drying up terrorism resources, over the years which followed the terrorist attack against New York, is just a valueless talk when it just serves the interests of the Western countries which have plotted and financed terrorism to undermine Syria and to end its pan-Arab and cultural role.

Deputy Foreign Minister referred to Turkey’s direct involvement in what has recently took place to the northwest of Syria, where it had provided all facilitations to terrorists in their attacks against Idleb and Jisr al-Shughour cities through providing them with covering fire and sheltering and arming them, in addition to sending savagery terrorists to occupy Idleb and other areas.

Mikdad affirmed that Turkey will not be able to continue supporting terrorism in light of the growing rejection of the Turkish people of the support provided by the government of Erdogan and Davutoglu to the terrorists who shed the blood of the Syrian people.

“We believe deep in our hearts and minds that we will remain steadfast as we have been over the past four years and as we have always been throughout Syria’s history”, Mikdad said.

Mikdad concluded by saying that the optimism, that Syria will defeat terrorism, is growing day after day and that all factors of achieving this goal are available as the Syrian Arab army is getting stronger and its belief in its goals is getting deeper.

R. al-Jazaeri / Barry

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