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Army units reinforce their posts in Tseel village and its environs, Daraa countryside

Daraa, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units have entered Tseel village and its environs in Daraa northwestern countryside, and they began reinforcing their military posts after completing the settlement of the …

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Tens of militants settle their status in Nawa City, Daraa countryside

Daraa, SANA- In an implementation of the settlement agreement proposed by the state, the process of settling the status of dozens of militants, the wanted and military deserters, and handing …

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A person killed in explosive device blast south of Sweida

Sweida, SANA- A man was killed in an explosive device blast planted in his car in Rasas town, south of Sweida City. An explosive device planted by unknown persons exploded …

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Sarkozy found guilty of illegal campaign financing, receives one- year sentence

Paris, SANA- A French court has sentenced former French President Nicolas Sarkozy to a one-year prison sentence, which it said could be served at his home with electronic monitoring after …

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Nassib border crossing with Jordan

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Two Palestinians martyred in Israeli occupation raids in Jerusalem, Jenin  

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Two Palestinians were martyred and others were injured during raids by the Israeli occupation forces in different areas in the West Bank. The occupation forces opened fire …

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No one can impose anything on Syria that does not take into account its national interests, Sousan says

Damascus, (SANA)- “No one can impose anything on Syria that does not take into account its national interests, particularly after the achievements made in the war against terrorism,” Assistant Foreign …

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Milley acknowledges his country’s defeat in Afghanistan

Washington, SANA- US Chief of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, has acknowledged his country’s defeat in Afghanistan, a month after the end of the US withdrawal from that country and the …

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Putin expects his country’s LNG production to reach 140 million tons

Moscow, SANA- Russia’s production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to reach 140 million tons per year by the year 2035, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced. “We continue to …

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A woman from Sweida establishes vegetarian kitchen project to manufacture healthy foods

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