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Three Palestinians arrested in Hebron

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces arrested three Palestinians on Sunday in Hebron City in the West Bank. Palestinian Wafa News Agency stated that the occupation forces broke into …

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6 people killed in a Ukrainian bombing of a hospital in Luhansk

Moscow, SANA- 6 people were killed in the bombing of the Ukrainian regime that targeted a hospital in Pervomaisk, Luhansk People’s Republic. “Among the dead are patients and members of …

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Over 15 people suffer wounds in Ukrainian shelling attack on DPR’s Makeyevka

DONETSK, SANA- Over 15 people have suffered wounds in a Ukrainian shelling attack on the city of Makeyevka, an official from the Donetsk People’s Republic’s (DPR) mission to the Joint …

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Russia tests drones capable of transporting people and cargo

Moscow, SANA- Russia has tested a prototype of a new drone capable of transporting people and cargo. Novosti Agency quoted the Aviation Research Institute of the Russian Zhukovsky University as …

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Polyansky: Security Council statement on Lachin corridor was not accepted because of France

New York, SANA- France prevented the implementation of proposals to resolve the tension around the Lachin corridor in the UN Security Council, said the First Deputy Representative of the Russian …

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Arnous inaugurates project of irrigating Khanaser town with a cost of SYP 8 billion

Aleppo, SANA- Prime Minister, Eng. Hussein Arnous on Sunday inaugurated the project of irrigating the town of Khanaser and its environs in Aleppo province. The project aims to irrigate Khanaser …

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Ambassador Obaid reviews latest developments in Syria during a meeting with Fia-Arab delegation

Havana, SANA- Syrian Ambassador to Cuba, Dr. Ghassan Obaid has reviewed the latest developments in Syria and the region during a meeting with a delegation from the Federation of Arab …

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Army air defenses repel an Israeli act of aggression on Damascus vicinity

Damascus, SANA- The Syrian army air defenses have repelled Israeli missile aggression that targeted some sites in Damascus vicinity, and downed a number of the hostile missiles. A military source …

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Christmas Village Festival in Aleppo conveys a message of peace and love

Aleppo, SANA- With the participation of heads of the Christian denominations and a number of Islamic clerics, within the Christmas Village Festival, on Monday evening, the lighting of the Peace …

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Putin urges Russian special services to improve work in all areas amid new risks

Moscow, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the country’s special services to intensify work in all areas amid new challenges and risks. In a transcript of his video …

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