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CSTO backs resolving crisis in Syria on basis of respecting its sovereignty

Moscow, SANA- Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on Tuesday affirmed support for all political efforts aimed at resolving the crisis in Syria on the basis of respecting its sovereignty and …

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Lavrov: Countries that boycotted int’l conference on refugees’return made grave mistake

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday that the countries that deliberately boycotted the International Conference on the Return of Syrian Refugees, which was held in Damascus …

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Turkish occupation’s terrorists kidnap civilians in Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA_ The Turkish regime’s terrorist organizations on Monday kidnapped a number of civilians in Efrin area in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Civil sources stated that mercenaries of Turkish …

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Hasaka rains

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Zarif: Al-Moallem played important role in defending Syria’s interests and security

Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed his condolences over demise of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Walid al-Moallem. In a condolences message he …

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Minister of Information: Syria was in heart and conscience of al-Moallem who remained loyal soldier fighting for it

Damascus, SANA- Information Minister Imad Sarah affirmed that by the passing of the Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, Syria lost a prominent national figure who bears …

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China and group of 77 call on Israeli occupation entity to withdraw from Syrian Golan

New York, SANA- The Group of 77 and China Called on the Israeli occupation entity to immediately withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan and the occupied Arab territories. The foreign …

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The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries seize lands for the locals in Ras al-Ain countryside, north of Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- In continuation of its violations against the residents of the occupied villages of Ras al-Ain area in the northwestern countryside of Hasaka, the Turkish occupation forces and their …

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38 olive presses open doors to receive olive fruits in Daraa

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Autumn weather prevails, rain showers expected

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will remain around or slightly above average as the country is affected by low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere. Meteorology Department expected in its …

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