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Huge turnout at Asal al-Ward settlement center

Damascus countryside, SANA- The settlement process continued on Tuesday in Asal al-Ward town in Damascus in the framework of the settlement agreement proposed by the state to enable those who …

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Donetsk forces liberate 135 residential centers in the Donetsk People’s republic

Donetsk, SANA- The Command of the People’s Forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) stated that its units have been able to liberate 135 residential centers in the republic to …

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Five civilians martyred, others injured in clashes at al-Houl camp, Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- Five civilians were martyred and a number of women and children sustained wounds of varying severity in the clashes which erupted on Monday between US occupation-backed QSD militia …

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Weapons and ammunition left by terrorists seized in Homs countryside

Homs, SANA- The competent authorities have seized quantities of weapons and ammunition left behind by terrorist organizations in Homs northern countryside SANA reporter stated that the competent authorities seized weapons …

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President al-Assad issues law amending a number of articles of the Penal Code

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad issued Law No. 15 of 2022 that amends a number of articles of the Penal Code issued by Legislative Decree No. 148 of 1949 and …

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Operating al-Sneibleh Well Plant with solar energy in Jableh countryside alleviates the suffering of five villages

Lattakia, SANA- Implementation of the solar system to operate the pumping station of al-Sneibleh well in Jableh countryside alleviated a lot of the people’s suffering from having drinking water. The …

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Donetsk: 17 Ukrainian soldiers surrender in one day

Donetsk, SANA- The Donetsk Republic has declared that 17 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their arms and voluntarily surrendered to its forces within the last 24 hours. The People’s Forces Command …

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58 civilians injured in Ukrainian shelling on Donetsk

Donetsk, SANA- 58 civilians were injured as a result of the Ukrainian forces shelling on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic on Sunday. “During the past day, 58 civilians …

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Popova: More than 300 biological laboratories in the world funded by the US

Moscow, SANA-The Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection or (Rospotrebnadzor) reported that the US funds more than 300 biological laboratories around the world. “There are regions where there …

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Russian forces advance four km and establish control over more towns

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry announced on Friday that Russian forces advanced another 4 km during the last night and captured more towns. Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman, Major General Igor …

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