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Syria and the World

May, 2023

  • 21 May

    Sheikh Naim Qassem: Syria’s role and its presence are great and indispensable

    Beirut, Cairo SANA- Sheikh Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Party, has underlined the importance of Syria’s return to the Arab League and the participation of President Bashar …

  • 20 May

    Syria participates in76th session of World Health Assembly in Geneva

    Damascus-SANA- With the participation of Syria, the work of the 76th session of the World Health Assembly will begin tomorrow in Geneva and will last until the 30th of this …

  • 20 May

    Russian Red Cross sends a team to Syria to provide humanitarian and medical assistance

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Red Cross President Pavel Savchuk announced Saturday sending a team from the Organization to Syria to extend humanitarian and medical assistance to those inflicted in the earthquake …

  • 20 May

     Syria participates in Algerian Scientific and Technical Forum

    Algiers, SANA- With the participation of Syria, the Scientific and Technical Forum, that cares for the most important outcomes of the researches about earthquakes and how to protect from their …

  • 20 May

    Saudi Foreign Minister: Jeddah Summit addressed prominent Arab issues…. Aboul Gheit: the Summit achieved its targets

    Jeddah, SANA- Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, has affirmed that the 32nd Arab Summit of Jeddah discussed the most prominent Arab, regional and international issues affecting …

  • 19 May

    Jeddah declaration: Intensifying efforts to help Syria overcome crisis in line with Arab interest

    Jeddah, SANA-The leaders, presidents and kings of the Arab countries stressed the importance of continuing and intensifying the Arab efforts aimed at helping Syria overcome the crisis in line with …

  • 19 May

    President al-Assad at the Arab Summit: We are in front of a historic opportunity to rearrange our affairs with the least amount of foreign intervention

    Jeddah, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad Friday delivered Syria speech to the 32nd session of the Arab Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. President al-Assad said “We have to search about the big …

  • 19 May

    With participation of President al-Assad, works of the 32nd session of the Arab Summit begin in Jeddah

    Jeddah, SANA-With the participation of President Bashar al-Assad, works of the 32nd session of the Arab Summit started on Friday in the Saudi city of Jeddah. Crown Prince, Prime Minister …

  • 19 May

    President al-Assad discusses with Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed the close bilateral relations between Syria and Emirates

    Jeddah, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad met on Friday Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice-President of UAE, Head of the Emirati delegation participating in the 32nd Arab Summit in Jeddah. …

  • 19 May

    President al-Assad meets Tunisian President in Jeddah: We stand together against the obscurantist ideology

    Jeddah, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad met on Friday Tunisian President Kais bin Said on the sidelines of his participation in the Arab Summit which starts its works in the Saudi …