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Syria and the World

June, 2015

  • 21 June

    Interior Minister stresses need for Syrian-Iranian coordination to tackle challenges

    Tehran, SANA – Interior Minister Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar stressed the need to boost the strategic coordination and cooperation between Syria and Iran to tackle the challenges and threats facing …

  • 21 June

    Indian Embassy in Damascus marks International Yoga Day

    Damascus, SANA – The Indian Embassy in Damascus on Sunday marked International Yoga Day, which is celebrated on June 21, with an event held at Al-Jalaa Sports Complex in Damascus. …

  • 21 June

    Water Resources Ministry and Action Against Hunger sign a MoU to set up joint projects

    Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Water Resources and Action Against Hunger-ACF International signed on Sunday a memorandum of understanding to set up joint projects in water and sewage sectors. The …

  • 21 June

    UN, Tartous Governorate discuss cooperation to support displaced families

    Tartous, SANA – Tartous Governor Safwan Abu Saadi discussed Saturday with representatives of UN organizations working in Syria cooperation and means of increasing the relief aid provided to the affected …

  • 21 June

    UNHCR in Damascus celebrates World Refugee Day…Syria has been generous to refugees throughout decades

    Damascus, SANA – The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) mission in Syria organized Saturday a symposium under the title of “Get Acquainted to the Refugee” on occasion of …

  • 20 June

    26,000 food packages to be distributed to displaced families in Hasaka province

    Hasaka, SANA – Hasaka branch of the relief committee started distributing 26,000 food packages to families affected by terrorist crimes in different areas of the province. Issam al-Hussein, Director of …

  • 19 June

    Alla: Counterterrorism is the key to stopping escalation of human suffering

    Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Hussam Eddin Alla Syrian people are contending with an unprecedented form of terrorism that targets them on daily basis. …

  • 19 June

    Putin: Political reform in Syria not possible through external interference

    St. Petersburg, SANA — Russia is ready to hold talks with the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to conduct political reforms in the country, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Putin …

  • 19 June

    Al-Jaafari: UN report on Syria’s children ignores facts, countries supporting terrorism must be deterred

    New York, SANA – Syria slammed the “complete ignoring of facts” flawing a UN report on the situation of children in Syria. During a Security Council’s session on “Children and …

  • 18 June

    OPCW welcomes elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapon’s wastes

    The Hague, SANA-Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) welcomed on Thursday the elimination of all wastes resulting from Syrian chemical weapons which have been destroyed. “We welcome elimination …