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Syria and the World

May, 2015

  • 4 May

    UN spokesman: de Mistura to start separate negotiations with sides concerned in crisis in Syria

      Geneva, SANA – UN Spokesman Ahmad Fawzi said on Monday the UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura will start on Tuesday separate negotiations with all sides concerned in the crisis in …

  • 4 May

    Al-Jaafari: Syria first line of defense against extremism and terrorism

    New Jersey, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, asserted that Syria is the first line of defense against extremism and terrorism, and that Syrians shouldn’t …

  • 4 May

    Syria celebrates World Traffic Day

    Damascus, SANA- On the occasion of the World Traffic Day, the Traffic Department at the Ministry of Interior organizes statistical tablets on the traffic accidents to provide a valuation of …

  • 3 May

    Syria, Russia to sign cooperation protocol on elections affairs

    Damascus, SANA – Syria and Russia will soon sign a cooperation protocol between the two countries’ elections committee for enhancing cooperation in election-related expertise and mechanisms, Chief of the Higher …

  • 3 May

    Water Resources Ministry and UNICEF sign joint work agreement to provide drinking water for citizens

    Damascus, SANA- Ministry of Water Resources and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) signed Sunday a joint work agreement to carry out vital projects in water and sanitation sectors to …

  • 3 May

    “Syria Cradle of Civilization” a film stresses cultural glory of Syria

    Sofia, SANA – “Every person has two homelands… His own and Syria”, Bulgarian Alfa TV borrowed the famous dictum of the French historian and former director of the Louvre Museum …

  • 2 May

    New protest in Turkey demanding a halt to terrorism-supporting policies of Erdogan

    Adana, SANA – Hundreds of Turks protested in Adana city on Saturday, denouncing their government’s support to the terrorists who are committing massacres against the people of Syria. They condemned …

April, 2015

  • 30 April

    UN: De Mistura to submit a report to Ki-Moon before June 30th on May 4th consultations in Geneva

    Geneva, SANA-UN spokesperson in Geneva Ahmad Fawzi said on Thursday that the special UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura will submit a report to the international organization’s Secretary General …

  • 30 April

    Turkish demonstrators in Antakya show solidarity with Syrian people

    Ankara, SANA Hundreds of Turkish citizens took to the streets on Wednesday in the southern city of Antakya to denounce the crimes perpetrated by Turkish-backed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization against the innocent civilians in …

  • 30 April

    Al-Jaafari: Providing Israel with nuclear technology is blatant violation of NPT

    New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said that Syria was one of the first countries in the Middle East to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 stemming from …