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An officer martyred, others wounded in explosive device blast in Daraa

Damascus, SANA-the Ministry of the Interior said that an officer was martyred and two other personnel and three civilians were injured, as a result of the detonation of an explosive …

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Conference of Arab Federation of Transport Workers starts activities

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The 5th Session of the Conference of Arab Federation of Transport Workers started activities on Wednesday with the participation of Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, …

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Representing President al-Assad, al-Hilal participates in Azouz funeral   

Damascus, SANA- Representing President Bashar al-Assad, Assistant Secretary General of the al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, Eng. Hilal Al-Hilal, participated Tuesday in the funeral ceremony of the body of a member …

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Al-Qaimarryeh … memorable stories and beautiful details

Damascus, SANA- Al-Qaimarryeh neighborhood comprising various kinds of luxury industries, handicraft , and distinctive textile, has constituted over years and years a breathing room for the people of Damascus and …

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Syria condemns US administration measures targeting health sector, calls for urgent international action

Damascus, SANA- Syria has condemned with the strongest terms targeting the health sector by the US Administration, stressing that this new inhumane measures fall within the context of illegal and …

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Rehabilitation of Deir Ezzor industrial zone continued…168 facilities return to service

Deir Ezzor, SANA-With the return of 168 industrial facilities and crafts, and after the rehabilitation of most of the facilities and infrastructure, life and production began to return to the …

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QSD militia seizes the Hearing Disability Center in Ghweran neighborhood ,Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces-backed QSD militia seized the hearing disability center (Institute for the Deaf and Dumb) in Ghweran neighborhood of Hasaka, and turned it into a headquarters for …

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SANA ,ONA discuss developing the media content

Damascus, SANA- Director General of Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) Eiad Wannous Discussed with Director General of Oman News Agency (ONA) Ibrahim Al Azri means of bolstering cooperation to develop …

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Sabbagh and Arnous stress serious work to remove economic and service obstacles

Damascus, SANA- The People’s Assembly on Sunday held its 1st session of the 8th ordinary round of the 3rd legislative term chaired by its Speaker Hammouda Sabbagh, in presence of …

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QSD militia kidnaps several young men in Deir Ezzor countryside to forcibly recruit them

Deir Ezzor, SANA- US occupation-backed QSD militia gunmen kidnapped on Saturday a number of young men from Deir Ezzor eastern countryside to forcibly recruit them to fight among the militia’s ranks. Local sources told …

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