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Arab, International

February, 2018

  • 16 February

    Nasrallah: The US preserved part of Daesh to employ it in its aggressive scheme against Syria

    Beirut, SANA- Secretary General of Hezbollah Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the US preserved part of Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization in Syria to employ it in its aggressive scheme against …

  • 16 February

    Updated – Lavrov: The US forces presence in Syria illegal

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, reiterated on Friday the illegality of the US military presence in Syria. “A US taskforce and other units are illegally staying in Syria, without …

  • 16 February

    The 76th birth anniversary of the late leader Kim Jong Il commemorated

    Pyongyang, SANA- People of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) commemorated on Friday the 76th birth anniversary of late leader Kim Jong Il, recalling his outstanding life dedicated to …

  • 15 February

    Zakharova: The US presence in al-Tanaf is occupation and shelter zone for Daesh remnants

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Thursday that the Syrians have sent a message to the international community, through the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, keeping …

  • 15 February

    Iran: Syria has the right to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity

    Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qasemi said that Syria has the right to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that the occupying Zionist regime is fueling …

  • 14 February

    Russian, Chinese Ambassadors: Any decision on Syria should be taken by Syrian people without foreign intervention

    New York, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzya stressed that any decision on Syria should to be taken by the Syrian people themselves without any …

  • 13 February

    Russian Energy Minister: Russian companies to participate in the rehabilitation of oil fields in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak said that cooperation in the oil and gas sector between Russia and Syria provides for recovery and development of oil and gas …

  • 13 February

    Abdrakhmanov: Astana process guarantor states’ foreign ministers could convene next month

    Asatana, SANA – Kazakh Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov said that a meeting of the Russian, Iranian, and Turkish foreign ministers could be held next month, followed by the next round …

  • 12 February

    European Commission calls for “avoiding escalation” after latest Israeli aggression on Syria

    Brussels, SANA- European Commission expressed “concern” over military escalation after the latest Israeli aggression on Syria, stressing the need for “abiding by international law.” The Syria army air defense confronted …

  • 11 February

    Lavrov: Russian units in Syria will assist Syrian army in repelling remnants of Daesh

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the Russian units in Syria will assist the Syrian Arab Army in eliminating the remnants of Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization. Lavrov added …