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Arab, International

September, 2014

  • 29 September

    U.S. airstrikes target more ISIS positions in Raqqa

    Provinces, SANA – The United States and its allies launched new airstrikes on headquarters and positions of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization in the northern province …

  • 29 September

    Lavrov: Syria and Iran should be partners in combating terrorism

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Syria and Iran should be engaged in combating the risks of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), asserting …

  • 28 September

    Israel continues providing support to terrorist organizations in Syria

    The Occupied Jerusalem, SANA  The Israeli occupation continued providing support to the armed terrorist organizations in Syria through admitting the injured terrorists to its hospitals and offering the necessary treatment …

  • 28 September

    United States and its allies launch new air strikes on ISIS targets in Raqqa

    Raqqa, SANA_ The United States and its allies launched new air strikes against ISIS terrorists in the northern province of Raqqa on Sunday. SANA reporter quoted sources in the province …

  • 27 September

    Chinese Foreign Minister reiterates calls for peaceful solution for crisis in Syria

    New York, SANA – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated calls for reaching a peaceful solution for the crisis in Syria, stressing the need to combat terrorism in a coordinated …

  • 27 September

    Lavrov: Combating terrorism in Syria must be carried out in cooperation with Syrian government

    New York, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that combating terrorism in Syria must be carried out in cooperation with the Syrian government which has announced its readiness …

  • 27 September

    The U.S.-led strikes against ISIS targets in Syria continue

    Raqqa, SANA – The U.S. and its allies launched several air and missile strikes against the gatherings and positions of ISIS terrorists in the northeastern province of Raqqa on Saturday …

  • 26 September

    Lavrov: Any step for combating terrorism must comply with international law

    New York, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that any step taken to combat terrorism on the international level, including the use for force, must comply with international …

  • 26 September

    20 states demand in joint statement probe into human rights violations by terrorists in Syria

    Geneva, SANA-Russia’s representative at the UN Human Rights Council Alexy Borodavkin demanded that the independent international commission of inquiry on human rights in Syria conduct a probe into human rights …

  • 26 September

    Syria joins Minamata Convention on Mercury

    New York, SANA – Syria has signed Minamata Convention on Mercury which was adopted by the UN member states on October 10th, 2013 in the Japanese city of Kumamoto. Syria’s …