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Photo Reports

January, 2019

  • 31 January

    Damascus in the evening 30-01-2019

  • 31 January

    Daraa province on 30-01-2019

  • 29 January

    Mushroom shaped white rock known as home of safe people

    Tartous, SANA_ In Tartous, the city of beauty, and accurately in the north of al-Qadamous city, the “table slab” attracts many visitors to spend most fascinating moments in nature. Slab table, …

  • 28 January

    Hama on 27-01-2019

  • 28 January

    Rehabilitation works launched in al-Umal neighborhood, Deir Ezzor  

    Deir Ezzor, SANA_In preparation for the return of displaced people to their homes, the technical workshops began rehabilitation and maintenance works in al-Umal neighborhood in  Deir Ezzor  province.    

  • 27 January

    Ammo and weapons left behind by terrorists found in countryside of Daraa, Damascus and Homs

  • 27 January

    Springs flow in Sweida southern province

  • 26 January

    Creative artworks of wax by simple tools, photo report   

    Sweida, SANA_ Hiba Saray Eddin, through her own efforts and ambition, managed to employ her artistic sense and create artworks of wax . Saray Eddin, a graduate of the Institute …

  • 25 January

    Souq al-Attarine in Damascus … a heritage and a profession inherited from ancestors

    Damascus, SANA_ Al-Attarine Souq( market) is one of widely known markets in ancient walled city of Damascus. It dates back to more than 300 years and is famous of selling …

  • 24 January

    Sweida on 23-01-2019