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Photo Reports

April, 2015

  • 26 April

    Art exhibition for displaced children and children with special needs in Tartous

  • 25 April

    Peace prayers at the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus

  • 25 April

    A mass at Saint Sarkis Armenian Church in Bab Sharqi in Damascus on the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

  • 24 April

    Art exhibition for displaced and disabled children in Tartous

  • 24 April

    World Book Day event at al-Assad National Library


  • 23 April

    Several environmental activities marking the World Earth Day

  • 22 April

    Sit-in outside ICRC HQ in Damascus protesting Israel’s arbitrary arrest policy in occupied Golan

  • 21 April

    The commencement of the first batch of the students of Tourism Faculty at Damascus University

  • 20 April

    Photo exhibition in Moscow on Syria and its culture

  • 19 April

    A Syrian Cultural Day in Poland marking Independence Day