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August, 2018

  • 13 August

    Bab al-Faraj clock in Aleppo resumes ticking

    Aleppo, SANA-The hands of Bab al-Faraj clock in Aleppo city resumed ticking, having completed the rehabilitation works after it was exposed to vandalism due to terrorist acts. The clock of …

  • 10 August

    Textiles industry in Syria, a history spanning thousands of years

    Damascus Countryside, SANA – The textiles industry in Syria has roots that can be traced back to thousands of years in the past, all the way from the ancient kingdoms …

  • 6 August

    Assassination of prominent Syrian figures: Blatant attempt to undermine Syria

    Damascus, SANA- For over eight years, the sponsors of terrorism in Syria have used many methods to destroy the state and undermine it and prevent it from playing its role, …

  • 5 August

    Tal al-Ashari: Witness to terrorist acts against Syrian civilization

    Daraa, SANA- Tal al-Ashari in Houran area is another historical icon that was looted and vandalized by terrorist organizations which carried out systematic attacks, orchestrated by their operators, on the …

July, 2018

  • 30 July

    Book Fair on July 31, an evidence on recovery of cultural movement which had been severely affected by terrorist war on Syria

    Damascus, SANA – We are just one day away from the inauguration of the 30th edition of the Book Fair which will run from July 31 until August 11 at …

  • 29 July

    As the Syrian army liberated Quneitra of terrorism, it will restore the occupied territory

    Quneitra, SANA – It has been four years since departure and now as the Syrian army has secured al-Quneitra city and eliminated the terrorist presence there, First lieutenant Ahmed al-Hayek …

  • 28 July

    Terrorists carried out illegal excavation work and systematic acts of sabotage in archaeological city of Bosra

    Damascus, SANA – Terrorist groups carried out systematic acts of destruction and sabotage against artefacts of the Archaeological Museum in Bosra al-Sham city, in addition to conducting illegal excavation works …

  • 27 July

    After clearing it of terrorism, al-Rafeed town celebrates victory

    Quneitra, SANA – Syrian army units continue fighting in the northwestern countryside of Daraa and the southwestern countryside of Quneitra and retake control over tens of towns, villages, farms and …

  • 24 July

    Ghossoun family: Bright boxing stars in Syria’s sports scene

    Damascus, SANA – Boxing has been part of Ghossoun’s family for a long time. The five siblings, trained by their father, champion Hussein Ghossoun, have made great achievement in local, …

  • 14 July

    Tens of displaced families in Jebab’s temporary housing center await their return to their homes

    Daraa, SANA – Scores of families who fled from the terrorists’ crimes in the western countryside of Daraa province and who are currently residing in Jebab temporary housing center 90 …