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May, 2018

  • 1 May

    Workers’ Day report: Syrian industrialists persevered during the crisis, kept “Made in Syria” label in local and foreign markets

    Damascus Countryside, SANA – Throughout the crisis in Syria, a number of factories persevered and managed to maintain production, proving that Syrian industrialists can surmount all difficulties with their resourcefulness …

April, 2018

  • 29 April

    On the frontlines…Poignant stories of love and devotion

    Damascus, SANA- A child’s voice is heard from a cell phone, saying: “I love you daddy” while his father, who is a Syrian soldier is at the frontlines of a …

  • 20 April

    A farmer from Douma: “I miss my farm. Trees are like kids.”

    Damascus Countryside, SANA-On the pavement of the commercial market near the Grand Mosque of Douma city, Bakri al-Dalati, a farmer, sits beside a bag with a few kilograms of old …

  • 19 April

    Dream of return comes true, nearly 500 displaced persons return home from Lebanon

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- At Jdeidet Yabous crossing on the Syrian-Lebanese border, hundreds of displaced Syrians returning home with eyes watching from the windows of buses the moment of arrival that …

  • 13 April

    ‘White Helmets’: A window dressing organization of terrorists posing as humanitarians

    Damascus, SANA-Attempts by backers of terrorism in Syria to lend humanitarian overtones to the so-called ‘White Helmets’ organization have been contradicted by evidence, facts and military developments on the ground, …

  • 12 April

    Despite tough odds, schools in Eastern Ghouta receive increasing numbers of students

    Damascus Countryside, SANA-More than 10,000 students are expected to return to their schools during the upcoming few days in the towns of Eastern Ghouta after a number of schools there …

  • 9 April

    Hopes of abductee’s families boosted as they await tidings of loved ones

    Damascus, SANA- “I hope I will see my son Yamen among the liberated,” said Adib Sulaiman, father of abducted soldier Yamen who was kidnapped five years ago. Yamen’s father, who …

  • 9 April

    Zainab, a symbol of strong Syrian women who master the art of living, Video

    Damascus, SANA – “I will not surrender. I refuse to be victimized by war,” said Zainab, a Syrian woman who managed to protect her family and survive 7 years of …

  • 8 April

    Wrestler Omar Sarem dreams of winning Arab Wrestling Championship gold in Baghdad

    Damascus, SANA –  The Mediterranean gold medallist, wrestler Omar Sarem hopes for a gold medal in the Arab Wrestling Championship to be held in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. In an …

  • 6 April

    Ancient markets of Aleppo rise from the ashes

    Aleppo, SANA – Rehabilitation works of Khayer Beik Khan and Souk(market) in the Old City of Aleppo will finish on Saturday as part of the project launched by Aleppo Chamber …