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November, 2015

  • 18 November

    Information Ministry honors SANA and other media institutions

    Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Information organized Tuesday evening a ceremony to honor media institutions and figures and TV drama makers who won awards for special productions. Editor and translators …

  • 15 November

    Syrians’ investments abroad would not prevent industrialists from return home

    Damascus, SANA- After the terrorist war that targeting Syria and negatively affecting  its investments in all domains, some Syrian businessmen determined to continue their  business in other countries, mainly the …

  • 6 November

    Syrian Air Force pilots… defending Syria and its people from terrorism

    Lattakia, SANA – With faith in their planes, leadership, people and with resolute determination, the Syrian Air Force pilots continue to take to the skies to protect Syria and the …

  • 1 November

    Al-Mouwasat Hospital continues providing free medical and educational services

    Damascus, SANA- In spite of the challenges imposed on the health sector due to the current crisis and the shortage in the medical and nursing cadres, al-Mouwasat University Hospital in …

October, 2015

  • 30 October

    Russian Air Force destroyed 1,623 terrorist targets since beginning of its operations in Syria

    Damascus, SANA – The Russian Air Force, in cooperation with the Syrian Air Force, has carried out 1,391 sorties targeting sites for ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations within the …

  • 28 October

    Free trade zones’ revenues reach SYP 1.450 billion, foreign invested capital put at SYP 96 billion

    Damascus, SANA – The revenues of the free trade zones up till September 2015 reached SYP 1.450 billion, with a trade movement of SYP 62 billion and customs fees of …

  • 20 October

    DGAM carrying out restorations and repairs in number of archeological sites

    Damascus, SANA – The Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) is currently carrying restorations and repairs in a number of archeological sites in Syria that were damaged by terrorist organizations. …

  • 20 October

    Syria continues to launch successive anti-polio vaccination campaigns

    Provinces, SANA- Health Ministry works on launching successive anti-polio vaccination campaigns across Syria to enhance the immunity of the children as the vaccinations are bought from major international companies with …

  • 6 October

    “Mashroue” program targets 22,000 people till 2016

    Damascus, SANA- The successful experience in the field of the small and micro loans initiated by the civil sector with the support and participation of the government has been extended …

  • 5 October

    Panic and confusion spread among terrorists, thousands of them flee Syria

    Damascus, SANA- Panic and confusion are currently the dominating qualities that are spreading among members of the terrorist organizations across Syria, from the southern province of Deraa to Homs, Idleb …