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Provinces News

January, 2020

  • 26 January

    Syrian army destroys terrorists’ ammunition depot in western Aleppo, targets terrorists in al-Lirmoun

    Aleppo, SANA_ Syrian Arab Army units on Sunday destroyed an ammunition depot belonging to terrorists  in the western countryside of Aleppo during the military operations against the fortified positions of …

  • 26 January

    Most prominent archaeological discoveries in Jableh city over past year

    Lattakia, SANA_ The archaeological excavations in the region of Jableh discovered mass burials carved in rocks, funerary monuments and many finds and historical buildings dating back to different historical eras …

  • 24 January

    People of occupied Syrian Golan renew utter rejection of Israeli project of wind turbines

    Quneitra, SANA _ Since the occupation of the Syrian Arab Golan, the Israeli occupation authorities have systematically looted its natural and agricultural resources through hundreds of arbitrary and aggressive schemes …

  • 20 January

    New archaeological discoveries found in Amrit and Safita in Tartous

    Tartous, SANA_ Excavations carried out last year by Tartous Archeology Department at Amrit, Safita and al-Marqab sites resulted in the discovery of a group of important archaeological finds. Head of …

  • 20 January

    A civilian martyred due to terrorist attacks on residential neighborhoods in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA_ A civilian was martyred on Sunday in a terrorist attack with rocket shells on Halab al-Jadida (new Aleppo) neighborhood and the 3000 Apartments Project in Aleppo city. SANA …

  • 18 January

    Terrorist rocket shell attack on Banjaro village in Lattakia countryside

    Lattakia, SANA- Terrorist organizations fired a rocket shell on the villages of Lattakia countryside which fell on agricultural lands in the vicinity of Banjaro village in the countryside of Jableh …

  • 18 January

    Terrorists still prevent civilians from reaching corridors in countryside of Aleppo, Idleb

    Aleppo/Idleb, SANA_ For the 6th consecutive day, the terrorists continue to prevent those who wish to leave the terrorist-infested areas via the humanitarian corridors in Abu al-Dohour, al-Habit in Idleb …

  • 16 January

    A national event in Quneitra on occasion of liberating prisoners Sudqi al-Muqt, Amal Abu Saleh

    Quneitra, SANA-With an official and popular participation, a national event was held today in Ain Al-Tineh site, opposite to the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, on …

  • 12 January

    Terrorists target Aleppo Int’l Airport, al-Nairab Military Airport, Minyan with shells

    Aleppo, SANA_ Terrorist organizations targeted with rocket shells the vicinity of Aleppo International Airport, al-Nairab Military Airport, houses and vital facilities in Aleppo western countryside. SANA reporter said that the …

  • 11 January

    Syrian army wipes out terrorists, destroys their vehicles in southeastern Idleb

    Idleb, SANA_ Syrian Arab Army units on Saturday destroyed several vehicles for terrorist organizations and killed a number of its members in Idleb southeastern countryside. SANA reporter said that over …