Defense Minister visits Palmyra, conducts field tour in Homs eastern countryside

Homs, SANA – Upon the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces, Defense Minister Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij visited Palmyra city and conducted a field tour in the eastern countryside of Homs province.

During the tour, al-Freij, accompanied by officers from the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces, inspected army units operating in the eastern countryside, meeting the soldiers and conveying to them President Bashar al-Assad’s appreciation and pride in their heroism and bravery.

Field commanders briefed al-Freij in detail on the nature of the tasks and combat operations carried out by army units in the direction of Palmyra, and during his visit of the city he witnessed the scale of the destruction caused by ISIS in its archeological sites and citizen’s homes.

Al-Freij lauded the soldiers’ high morale and commended the monumental efforts that were exerted to reclaim Palmyra and surrounding areas, affirming that this couldn’t have been achieved without the sacrifices of the army’s martyrs and the valiance of the Armed Forces and the supporting forces, who are today more determined to fight ISIS, al-Nusra, and other terror organization, adding that the battle will continue until security and stability are restored to the entirety of Syria.

Hazem Sabbagh

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