Thursday weather forecast: Temperatures around average, heavy rainfalls expected

Damascus, SANA- The temperatures will remain around average or slightly lower in most areas as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure accompanied by southwestern air wet currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The Meteorology Department expected in its Thursday bulletin that the skies will be partly cloudy to cloudy and rainy in general and the rainfalls will be heavy and accompanied with thunder sometimes while the weather will be misty in the eastern and al-Badiya “desert” areas.

The wind will be southerly to southwesterly with a moderate speed and accompanied with active gusts while the sea waves will be high in amplitude.

On Friday and Saturday the temperatures will drop to become from 2 to 4 degrees below average as the skies will be partly cloudy in general and local rain showers are expected in different areas across the country while the southwesterly wind will be active.

The expected temperatures in some of the major Syrian cities will be as follows: Damascus 22/12, Daraa 24/12, Homs 23/8, Lattakia 25/14, Aleppo 22/10 and Deir Ezzor 28/11.

R.J /Ghossoun

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