Mufti Hassoun: Strength of Syria and Iraq means strength of Arab and Islamic Nation

Baghdad, SANA- The Grand Mufti of the Republic , Ahmad Badereddin Hassoun, stressed that the strength of Syria and Iraq means the strength of the Arab and Islamic Nation as a whole.

During his meeting with member of the Presidency of the House of Representatives in Iraq, Hammam Hamoudi on Sunday, Hassoun asserted the unity of the Syria and Iraqi peoples and that all Israeli entity’s attempts to sow sedition between them are doomed to failure.

He hailed the Iraqi victories against Daesh (ISIS), expressing hope for enhancing cooperation between the two countries to face the standing challenges in the region.

For his part, Hamoudi said that terrorism is targeting Muslims wherever they are, calling for facing it by unity.
He pointed out that rapprochement between the Iraqi and Syrian peoples have resulted in great victories.
He said that “ we triumphed in the battle against terrorism and we should be unified for facing extremism and Takfiri ideology.

Hamoudi called upon the international community to work for realizing Syria’s stability and the return of the displaced people to their homes.

H.Zain/ Ghossoun

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