Syrian army frees 8 abductees were held by terrorist groups in eastern Ghouta

Damascus countryside, SANA- 8 abductees, who were held by the terrorist groups in eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside, were liberated on Saturday.

SANA reporter to Erbin corridor said that the Syrian Army units freed 8 of the abductees who were held by the terrorist groups in eastern Ghouta, adding that the liberated persons were transported to one of the hospitals for a general health check-up.

The reporter said that the names of the liberated citizens are: Jamal Lattouf, Mohammed al-Mahmoud, Nader al-Siteh, Fahed al-Raffeh, Mohammad Fatahi, Ali Zain–Eddin, Yazan Mehrez and Ammar al-Rakan.

“ We were confident that the army will come and free us from the hands of these Takfiri organizations,” they said.

Over the past few days, the Syrian Arab Army liberated 47 abductees.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun



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