News on reaching agreement to evacuate terrorists from Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahm

Damascus, SANA- There is news on reaching an agreement between the Syrian government and terrorist groups in southern Damascus in the towns of Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahm, SANA correspondent said.

The agreement stipulates for evacuating the terrorists and their families who want to leave while the legal status for those who want to stay will be settled after handing over their weapons.

The correspondent said that according to the agreement the state establishments will return to Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahm to provide the services to the citizens after the evacuation of the terrorists.

The agreement comes few hours after the Syrian Arab Army regained control over al-Mazniyeh, al-Qadam, al-Asali, and al-Joura neighborhoods, and tightened the noose around the terrorist groups positioned south Damascus , forcing them to succumb and exit from the area after inflicting heavy losses upon them.

The agreement will be put into force after completing its executive arrangements.


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