Ala: Syria’s sovereign right to restore all occupied Golan is inalienable

Geneva, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala reaffirmed that Syria’s sovereign right to restore all the occupied Golan till the line of June 4, 1967 is inalienable and doesn’t fall with the passage of time, asserting Syria’s rejection of all measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities in Golan.

Ala’s remarks came through Syria’s statement at the 41st session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) ” Item Seven” on human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.

“Syria welcomes the council’s discussion of the Israeli occupation authorities’ violations of human rights and the international humanitarian law in Palestine and in the occupied Syrian Golan and it underlines the importance of the accountability for these violations and that their perpetrators mustn’t escape punishment again,” Ala  said.

He reiterated Syria’s rejection of the occupation authorities’ attempts to embody the occupation of the Golan and its condemnation of the illegitimate proclamation of the US administration on the occupied Golan and its attempts to evade the obligations of the Security Council’s resolution no. 497 for the year 1981.

He noted that the continuation of the Israeli occupation’s violations of the UN Charter, UN resolutions and the political, civilian, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people and the people of the occupied Syrian Golan from 52 years hold the Human Rights Council responsible for investigating into these violations and for holding the occupation entity accountable for its arbitrary and hostile practices.

He added that the occupation’s continued arbitrary practices and usurpation of lands and properties of the Palestinians and of the people in the occupied Syrian Golan are a flagrant violation of the international humanitarian law and the UN resolutions.

Ala affirmed that Syria condemns in the strongest terms holding a meeting for the Israeli occupation Government in the occupied Syrian Golan on June 16th and the establishment of a settlement on its land named after US President Donald Trump and its attempts to force the locals in the Syrian villages to obtain the so-called “Israeli documents” and other arbitrary hostile measures.

He added that Syria asserts that the US pressures to undermine item seven on the agenda of the Human Rights Council which deals with the violations of the Israeli occupation in the occupied Arab territories reflect flagrant double standards and provide protection for the occupation authorities from the accountability for their violations.

Ambassador Ala indicated that the Israeli occupation authorities’ continued systematic violations of the international humanitarian law and its arbitrary practices will not undermine the steadfastness of the Syrian people in the occupied Golan, but to the contrary, they will be more adhered to their national belonging and their Syrian Arab identity.

He affirmed that Syria’s sovereign right to restore the occupied Golan till the line of June 4, 1967 is inalienable and doesn’t fall with the passage of time, voicing Syria’s support to the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri





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