Saturday weather: Temperatures above average, skies clear to partly cloudy

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures remain from 5 to 7 degrees above average in the inland areas and from 6 to 9 degrees in the coastal areas as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure from the south accompanied by a high air pressure in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Meteorology Department expected in its Saturday bulletin that the skies will be clear and partly cloudy, local air showers are expected over al-Qalamoun highest and the southeastern areas in the afternoon and the evening. The wind will be eastern to northeastern of low and medium speed, while the sea waves will be low in amplitude.

The expected temperatures in some main Syrian cities are as follows: Damascus 25/14, Daraa 28/16, Homs 27/12, Hasaka 28/10, Lattakia 33/21, Aleppo 27/13 and Deir Ezzor 28/13.

H. Zain


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