WHA adopts draft resolution on Syrian Golan and occupied Palestinian territories

Geneva, SANA_ The World Health Assembly (WHA) has adopted a draft resolution submitted by the Syrian Arab Republic and the State of Palestine that includes a request to provide medical assistance to Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva Hussam Eddin Ala said that restrictive and discriminatory practices persuade by the Israeli occupation authorities in the occupied Syrian Golan contributed to the deterioration of the health and living conditions and they restrict the ability of Syrians in the Golan to obtain health care services and prevent their children from studying in Syrian universities and returning to work in the occupied Golan.

He warned of the dangers of the spread of mines planted by the occupation entity in and around the occupied Syrian villages, and the harmful dangers of burying toxic waste in the occupied Golan.

The diplomat demanded to force the occupier to allow international organizations to regularly enter to the occupied Syrian Golan, assess the conditions of its Syrian residents and to be briefed on the conditions of those detainees in the prisons of the Israeli occupation.

Ala stressed that the World Health Organization has to take responsibility in terms of supporting the occupied Golan population in the health sector by mobilizing international support to build an integrated hospital run by specialists from the occupied Syrian villages, establish specialized rehabilitation and mental health centers, supporting emergency services and stopping discriminatory policies that violate the rights of the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.

He also called on the WHO to implement its decisions related to health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Occupied al-Quds and in the occupied Syrian Golan without condition.

He renewed that the reports of WHO should depend on legal condition of the Golan as an occupied territory, the legal obligations imposed on the occupation force, and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, especially resolution no. 497 of 1981, which considers as “null and void” Israel’s illegal decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan

78 countries voted in favor of the resolution.

Hybah Slema /GH.A.Hassoun

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