President al-Assad offers condolence to President Putin over crash of passenger plane

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad on Friday sent a cable to Russian President Vladimir Putin, offering his heartfelt condolences over victims of a passenger plane that crashed in Kamchatka region in Russia.

President al-Assad said in the cable that the news of the crash of the passenger plane in Kamchatka region, which claimed the lives of the victims, left deep sadness.

His Excellency offered heartfelt condolences to the Russian people, praying to God to inspire their families patience and peace.

President al-Assad added that “We share with you the feelings of  sorrow for this regrettable incident and we hope that God will save your country and your friendly people.”

28 people were killed in the crash of the An-26 plane in Kamchatka peninsula  in the far eastern Russia on Wednesday, according to a source in the Russian airline.

Manar Salameh /Shaza Qriema

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