ISIS terrorists blow up civilian’s house in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- Terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) blew up the house of a civilian who stood up to them in al-Ashra village in west of Hasaka city.

Local sources told SANA that ISIS terrorists stormed al-Ashra village and blew up Fahmi al-Tayawi house under the claim that he took part in repelling an attack on his village by the terrorist organization.

On a relevant note, a civilian was injured on Monday when a terrorist sniper opened fire on a microbus on Harasta Highway in Damascus Countryside.

A source at Police Command told SANA that terrorist targeted a microbus that was passing near the Water Resources building on Harasta Highway, which caused moderate injuries to one civilian who was rushed to a hospital for treatment.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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