On the 22nd anniversary of the demise of immortal leader Hafez al-Assad, People’s Assembly: We are committed to his correct method

Damascus, SANA-People’s Assembly Speaker Hammouda al-Sabbagh said on Thursday that since 1970, the late founder leader, Hafez al-Assad, has paved the way for political, constitutional, legislative and social stability, in addition to pushing economic growth wheel forwards through the participation of all popular sectors in the comprehensive development process.

Sabbagh, during a session for the People’s Assembly, said that the late leader turned Syria into a major player and a difficult number on the Arab, regional and international arenas.

“The commemoration of the passing away of the immortal leader is a sincere expression of the continuation of full commitment to his instructions and the absolute belief in the correctness of his method, which is consolidated by President Bashar al-Assad,” Sabbagh said.

Fedaa al-Rhayiah, Mazen Eyon

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