Gazprom and pipeline operator should participate in Nord Stream incident investigation

Vienna, SANA – Russia insists on participation of Gazprom and Nord Stream AG, the pipeline operator, in investigation of causes of incidents at Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel.

“As regards the Nord Stream 1 and one string of the Nord Stream 2, Denmark and Sweden announced to date that they had initiated the investigation.

Regrettably, neither the Nord Stream project operator nor our entities – Gazprom and the Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision – have been allowed to take part in this investigation so far,Gazprom is the principal key owner of the relevant critical infrastructure,” Novak said.

“We believe such investigation must be implemented objectively, with participation of Russian specialists, to have the unbiased picture of developments.

Relevant conclusions can only be made after that. We insist on such participation and expect this effort will be implemented cooperatively with our specialists,” the official added.

Manar Salameh /Amer Dawa

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