Feb 19, Brazilian footballer Socrates born


1919 – Louis Cottin attempts to assassinate French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau.

1959 – Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus.

1986 – Soviet Union launches Space Station Mir, which is planned to stay 15 years in orbit, carrying 3 astronauts.

1999 – Assassination of Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Al-Sadr and his sons in the holy city of Najaf.

2001 –Following the statement of Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit in which he described the economic crisis in Turkey as dangerous, Turkish securities collapsed .

2008 – Fidel Castro announces his resignation of Cuba’s Presidency.

2014 – Facebook buys WhatsApp for USD 16/19 billion.

Born today:

1474 – Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

1954 –Brazilian footballer Socrates.

Passes away:

1951 – French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1947 André Paul Guillaume Gide.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun

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