Syria condemns Israeli occupation’s announcement of building new settlements in Palestine

Damascus, SANA- Syria has strongly condemned the Israeli occupation authorities’ announcement of establishing new settlements in Palestine.

The Ministry, in a Tweet on its Twitter account, stressed that the expansion of settlements, the seizure of Palestinians’ lands, the demolition of their homes and their displacement is a war crime added to other crimes committed by the occupation authorities, and the international community must move immediately to stop them.

“The Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns Israeli occupation’s announcement of its intention to build new settlements in occupied Palestinian territories in a new flagrant violation of international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2334 of 2016, which calls for stopping all Israeli settlement activities,” the Foreign Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry added “Israel’s systematic and continuous construction and expansion of settlements, the confiscation of Palestinians’ lands, the demolition of their homes and their displacement is a war crime in addition to its other crimes, and it must be held accountable for that.”

The Foreign Ministry affirmed that Syria calls on the international community to immediately move to stop such serious crimes, which exacerbate dangers and instability in the region, and undermine any possibility of establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian state.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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