Syria participates in conference in Support of Holy Al-Quds, Tehran

Tehran, SANA- The International Conference for Committed Art was held in the Iranian capital, Tehran, under the title “Committed Art in Support of the Holy Al-Quds” with the participation of a delegation from Syria.

Holding of this conference coincides with the anniversary of handing over the building of the embassy of the Israeli occupation entity in Tehran to the Palestinian State immediately after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, according to the Iranian News Agency (IRNA).

A Syrian delegation is participating in the conference, at the invitation of the Cultural and Art Centre of the Islamic Revolution to learn about Iranian artistic capabilities and achievements, exchange experiences, and improve the level of cultural and artistic cooperation between the two countries.

The participants in the conference stress the importance of the various artistic and cultural works in supporting the Palestinian cause and defending the rights of the Palestinian people.

Nisreen Othman / Baraa Ali

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