Abdollahian: schemes of enemies in Syria and Iraq thwarted

Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian affirmed that the enemies focused their malicious schemes through creating crises in Syria, Iraq and some parts of the Islamic world to divide these countries, but they failed to do so.

” All efforts should be focused on thwarting the plans of the enemies and the Zionist entity in the world aimed at dividing the Islamic countries,” Abdollahian said in a speech delivered Thursday during a ceremony held on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, in the presence of ambassadors of Islamic countries residing in Tehran, including the Syrian Ambassador, Shafiq Dayoub.

Minister Abdollahian stressed that the Palestinian cause is still the main one in the Islamic world.

Bushra / B

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