Latest updates of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood”

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7:

– Palestinian Red Crescent: Gaza Strip faces the risk of famine and the international community must intervene.

-Palestinian Health Ministry: the occupation has perpetrated during the last 24 hours, four massacres in the strip leaving 60 martyrs and 140 wounded

-Palestinian Health Ministry: number of victims of the ongoing aggression on Gaza for the 264th day, rose to 37718 martyrs and 86377 wounded

-Martyrs and wounded as a result of the occupation’s bombing of various parts of Gaza Strip

-Palestinian media: 10 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of the Israeli occupation air force bombing a house in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip

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