Some half million Palestinian students will head back to school at time, UNRWA says

Damascus, SANA -The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) announced that 500 thousand Palestinian students in 700 schools affiliated to the Agency in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza strip will head back to school at time.

The UNRWA said that the academic year 2015/2016 will start at the agency schools without any delay.

Director General of the Arab Palestinian Refugees Ali Mustafa qouted UNRWA Commissioner- General Pierre Krahenbuhl as saying in a statement that he has adopted this decision because education represents identity and dignity of the
Palestinian refugees and for the sake of 500,000 students whose future completely depends on education and developing their skills in schools.

Education is a basic right of the children all over the world and the school year should not be endangered or delayed due to the lack of funding of UNRWA budget, Krahenbuhl added.

The statement pointed out that UNRWA has exerted prompted efforts to revive solidarity with the Palestinian refugees and renewed understandings on the importance of respecting the rights of the Palestinian refugees and meeting
their requirements.

H. Zain/ Barry

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