Terrorist mortar attacks claim the lives of 3 civilians in Quneitra

Quneitra, SANA – Three civilians were killed on Tuesday in terrorist mortar attacks on Haddar village and Khan Arnaba town in the southern Quneitra province.

The mortars were fired by terrorists positioned in Jbata al-Khashab and Trinja village, according to a source at Sweida Governorate.

The attacks, the source added, caused material damage to the citizens’ properties.

A mortar shell causes material damage to a house in Damascus

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations targeted al-Abbassyein residential area with a mortar shell, causing material damages to a house, but no casualties.

A police source told SANA that a mortar shell fell on a house in Aleppo Street in al-Abbassyein area, causing only material damages.

Manar al-Frieh/H. Said/ Mazen

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