A UNHCR media delegation visits makeshift center in Lattakia

Lattakia, SANA – A media delegation from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) visited on Sunday the makeshift center hosting displaced people in the Sport City in Lattakia and inspected the families’ conditions and services provided to them.

In a press statement to SANA reporter, the head of UNHCR’s video Unit Edith Champagne said the visit aims at observing internal displacement in Syria as a result of the war and the needs of the displaced persons and their living conditions.

She noted that the delegation aims to make a documentary film about this issue that will be presented to the international audience through the UNHCR channels, with the possibility of screening the film during Madrid donors conference.

The delegation earlier visited makeshift centers in Tartous and Homs provinces.

M. al-Frieh/H. Said

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